Paracord cord Gear Aid 550 PARACORD sage

Multi-purpose cord with a length of 9 meters.... more
180 CZK
175 CZK Price for registered
SKU: 80670  |  EAN: 021563806700  |  Manufacturer: Gear Aid
In stock in e-shop
Availability   Store LETY - 11.9.2024  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 12.9.2024
9 m multi-purpose cord for camping, hiking or hunting. It can be used as a tension cord for tents and tent shelters, as a clothesline, as a shoelace, it can be used to make loops for hanging outdoor items (flashlight, knife, etc.) or as a zipper loop. It comes with a small carabiner for easy hanging. WARNING: The cord must not be used as a safety device when climbing mountains or working at heights.
Manufacturer: Gear Aid
EAN: 021563806700
Material: 100% nylon
Barva: zelená
Product Weight: 0,0 kg

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