
Shovels and probes

Do you have the taste to  get somewhere freeriding in powder snow? Fresh snow brings not only the risk of avalanches. Do you use quality avalanche equipment? Avalanche shovels and probes are an essential part of your backcountry safety gear.  Avalanches shovels  are space-saving, low weight and most importantly will help in the digging victims out of the snow in an avalanche

Avalanche probe must first be quickly assemble a sufficiently long. It should also be portable and lightweight, every gram in the mountains is very uncomfortable. . Finally -  pay attention also to the material from which the probe is made.

Cheap and poor quality  avalanche equipment doesn´t guarantee safety in the mountains. online shop offer quality  avalanche equipment from  prooven brands  Pieps and Black Diamond


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phone: +420 606 729 691

Karlická 662
252 29 Lety u Dobřichovic
Czech Republic

Opening hours store (Prague, Lety near Dobrichovice):
Mo - Sa:  10:00 AM - 18:00 PM
Su: closed

Opening hours e-shopu:

Mo - Sa: 8.00 AM  - 16.00 PM



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