Climbing guide Istria - Adriatic Coast: Climbing without frontiers

The crags along the Adriatic coast... more
995 CZK
965 CZK Price for registered
SKU: ADRIS  |  EAN: 9789616027816  |  Manufacturer: Sidarta
Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 4.12.2024

The climbing guide  introduces the crags and climbing along the Adriatic coast situated in one of the most attractive Mediterranean areas which extends across three different countries – Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.

Beside the three local languages, Italian, Slovene and Croat, the book is translated also in German and English.

Manufacturer: Sidarta
Published Date: 2023
EAN: 9789616027816
Size: 15 x 24 cm
No of Pages: 416
Country: Croatia, Italy, Slovenia
Product Weight: 0,9 kg

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