Climbing guide Vltavská žula

The long-awaited guide to the Vltava granite... more
750 CZK
728 CZK Price for registered
SKU: VLTZ  |  EAN: 9788011049171
Availability   Store LETY - today  |  Shipping in the Czech Republic - 29.10.2024

After 9 long years, a new guide to the Vltava Granite is published, which shows the state as of March 2024.

In addition to descriptions of areas and routes, there is also an interview with one of the most important discoverers of the Vltava granite - Franta "Algena" Mezera, and a talk about the history of climbing here, including the latest history of the most difficult routes.

The current edition is significantly expanded compared to the old one and on 288 pages you will find 1136 routes to 111 rocks in 17 areas. A short description is given for each sector, including practical information and a detailed drawing of the approach. Next to each rock is a topo with all the paths drawn. Each exit is briefly described and the length of the journey and the number of fixed belays are indicated.

 The book also contains many photographs in which many famous faces not only from the Vltava granite or the environment and material on which it is climbed are clearly visible.


Kozárovice - Bohostice - Krásnohorské skály - Solenice - Pakosta - Žebrákov - Kamýk - Lomy nad Velkou - Roviště - Skály u Velká - Lomy u hotel Mana - Nečín - Hříměždice - Zoo town - Zoo - Županovice - Devil's hoof

Odeslat zpětnou vazbu Postranní panely Historie Uloženo
Binding: měkká
Size: A5
EAN: 9788011049171
Edition: 2
Published Date: 2024
Language: Czech
Country: Česká repulika
Author: Jiří Sika, Petr Jandík, Martin Tučka
No of Pages: 288
Product Weight: 0,7 kg

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